Monday, February 11, 2008

rough morning, better night

Not such a great morning. Wylie had a rough morning. Spend numerous moments in his room for "not being a nice boy." I told him he needed to stay in his room until "mom comes to get you." So he stayed in his room, stood by the door and wet his underwear and pants. So when I came to get him he was crying in his room saying "oh no, this isn't good. oh no, this isn't good . . . " I said why didn't you go to the bathroom or tell me and he said " I didn't want to get in more trouble, You said not to leave until you came back." That all happened around 9am. The next three hours didn't get much better . . . Kasey had a lot of tears for no apparent reason. Tori did have a good morning, she mostly has good days :) Needless to say we had an early lunch, early nap time . . . woke up in better moods and had a nice evening. Thank goodness. Hopefully, we wake up good tomorrow:)

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