Friday, February 8, 2008

a few recent things I DO remember

My main reason for doing this is so one day, you, Wylie, Kasey and Tori can read it and laugh. Hopefully from now on my entries will be more organized but right now there are a few few things I want to write so I don't forget. First one being, just about a week ago I (mom) came home from the store complaining how my chest size has shrunk drastically, and I must have said the word "boob" to Jacques when Wylie says, " mom, are your boobs pumping milk again?" Both Jacques and myself laughed so hard. Had to tell him about pumping when I was pumping for three months while Tori was in the hospital so maybe too much info on our part.

Kasey just yesterday had her first day away from Wylie in a long, long time. I was thinking that oh she will love it,just the girls, Mom, herself and Tori. Whoa, was I wrong. Wylie slept over at Grandma and Grandpa's. Kasey is not ready to be away from Mom but she doesn't want Wylie to be away either. She woke up yesterday morning just a disaster. Everything went wrong, spent most the day in tears. Wylie came home told us about his day/night with grandma and grandpa. He got to go to a restaraunt and have pancakes and sausage and "even tried bacon." "Mom you need to get some bacon at the grocery store." "you know what Mom, Grandpa snores." & " you know Mom it is not very nice you know . . . " I am thinking what isn't? He says, " that you (me/mom) have all of us, Wylie, Kasey and Tori all the time and Grandma and Grandpa have nobody." Wylie is such a sweet, softhearted boy for just 4 years old.

So not a lot but from here on out, I will journal our days together. For me, a way to vent, for them a way to look back one day and laugh! I will look back one day and probably cry, for completely different reasons then why I may cry today.

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