Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tori reminded me . . .

For the first time today, I realized how fast time has really gone. Watching Tori do all her "firsts" makes me happy on one thought and very sad at another. I get happy because the past 4 years I have done A LOT of baby things. I mean I did have three babies in 3 1/2 years. Yikes! Since Tori's very early arrival (11 weeks) I have felt stuck in the baby stage for extra long. There have been many days where I just wish it away because it is so hard, mentally and physically exhausting. She has been the light of my life and I feel so bonded with her, sometimes just the sight of her brings tears to my eyes. I even cried one night during her middle of the night feeding, the time I am usually most tired and crabby, I just sat and cried and didn't want to put her in her crib. I sat and thought about how we could have easily lost her, how she is our last baby and how they do just grow up so fast and they aren't always going to want their "mom" the way they do now, or give me endless hugs and kisses.

Which brings me to today. It is such a little thing, but she has learned to sit up by herself for long periods of time. So she can self entertain and you can just see how happy that makes her. For whatever reason it just made me think about the day differently and not count the hours til nap time or bed time but sit and enjoy this time while I have it . . . and you know what . . . it made for a pretty good day! It is something I have told myself many, many days. Each day and each little moment, milestone, funny phrase, even a bad thing here and there are precious and to remember them because they go so fast.

I am happily married to a selfless, handsome, hardworking, wonderful man and father and have been blessed with three awesome, healthy kids. Probably something I have reminded myself of numerous times but now that the end of having a baby is drawing near I am trying to enjoy each day! These are the lyrics to one of my favorite songs right now, You're Gonna Miss This, by Trace Atkins that sums it all up.

" You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this "

1 comment:

lani said...

You summed it up so beautifully. I feel the same way--even though these are exhausting times with little ones, they really are the greatest of times. Kids bring so much joy and perspective to life--what a blessing to be where we are right now. And what a miracle each child is. Thanks for sharing.