Monday, April 7, 2008

We did get out to enjoy a few nice days this past weekend. Went on lots of walks around the neighborhood, played ball, played on the playground, it was just great! I was not ready for another ten day forcast to be so crummy.

Tori took her first bath by herself tonight. I usually take a bath with all three kids in the big whirlpool tub. But now that she can sit up I put her in the kid's bath by herself, she sat there and started getting mad, making her yelling sound. Wylie and Kasey were standing watching because they just can't get enough of Tori. I told them "this is your time to go play with dad, just you guys" but nope they wanted to watch Tori take her first bath. Anyway, after Tori kept getting more irritated, which was odd, because she LOVES bath time, I put Wylie and Kasey in next to her and she was fine and happy. What a little stinker . . . she just wanted them too.

Kasey, well she is into her mouse. That could be her favorite pet shop character, named Mouse, or it could be her blankie which has a mouse on it whom she calls mousy, or now the newest addtion to her mouse family is her imaginary friend, Mouse. I am not sure where she gets her imagination but it is so darn cute and funny. Yesterday, she cried because I stepped on Mousy in the kitchen, this morning she realized she forgot him in her crib and was sad because "mousy is going to be so sad." Wish I could have videoed this afternoon Kasey running around the living room. When I asked her what she was doing she chuckled, " I can't catch Mousy!" So I play along and told her, "oh, I see him, he is under the foot rest now" and she sighed in relief "oh, there he is, mousy is so silly." I had to tell Wylie about how this is her imaginary friend and not to laugh at her, but I still see him chuckling at her once and a while but he hasn't said anything more. What a nice brother . . . most of the time.

This winter may have proven to be good for something, these three kids just LOVE each other and they don't want to be apart, but mostly there is not one sign of jealousy towards Tori. They adore her!

1 comment:

lani said...

Kids are the best! I love how W, K and T are best of friends--so are my kids (most days). Loved the bathtub shot!